en Espanol.
Check to see who's moving up in the ranks.
Jujitsu Patches are 100% embroidered and come with an iron-on
adhesive backing. Here are some tips to keep them looking just as
sharp as when you bought them. 1) Place a thin, slightly moistened
towel between the patch and the iron so that your uniform does
not burn. 2) Do not use bleach when washing the uniform! It will make
the colors on the patch fade. 3) If the patch begins to peel off,
do not try to iron it again. Have it sewn on.
the patch goes on the left side of the uniform (over your heart).
Make sure the part that says ROC JUJITSU is on top, and the
part that says PASADENA, CA is on the bottom. Patches, uniforms,
safey gear, and any other martial arts supplies can be ordered
from any of the instructors. Whenever possible, supply orders should
go to Sensei Collin Olympius. If he is not available, please see
Sensei Tony Grady second, Sensei Art Corona third, and finally
myself (Sensei Jorge Corona).
fees: Students at Villa Parke are not required to pay anything
for lessons. That's right, all classes are FREE. Please keep
in mind, however that we DO charge for certain items such
as uniforms, patches, t-shirts, and promotion fees. We will also
continue to accept donations every quarter in order to offset some
of the costs of running the class, such as printing costs for
handouts, martial arts supplies, and most of all: Liability Insurance.
suggested donation is $10 per child and $20 per adult each quarter.
However, any amount above or below this suggestion will be
greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!