Welcome to ROC Jujitsu
Our dojo (martial arts school) is open to men, women, boys, and
girls of all ages. The atmosphere of our dojo is serious and at
the same time happy because we are all striving for a common goal:
a command of Jujitsu techniques, good physical fitness, mental discipline,
and development of character and fellowship. The basic philosophy
of the martial arts of non-violence and safety is stressed at all
our students endure the strenuous training we offer and live by
our principles, they can free themselves from the anxieties of everyday
is considered one of the most modern and scientific art used today.
It is a bugei (strictly self-defense) system stressing hand and
arm attacks, blocks, feet and leg kicking attacks, throws, joint
locks, arm bars, pressure points, nerve centers, chokes, and use
of weapons.
are no secrets or magic to Jujitsu. It is an individual experience.
You simply get out of it what you put into it. It is something anyone
can learn with organized and systemic training of one's mind and
body. Our techniques make use of almost every part of one's body
and enables you to develop unbelievable power. It can show us the
way to unlimited expansion of our mental and physical power.
of us can say that ourselves and our families are safe from assault,
nor that our possessions are secure. The increase in crime such
as assault, rape, mugging, and murder has stressed the need for
proficiency in self-defense.
Jujitsu student is prepared to protect himself should the need arise,
since the techniques are practical on the street. Proficiency in
Jujitsu provides an individual with one thing to rely upon - one's
self - as no other immediate aid can be readily available. Self
defense, physical fitness, mental discipline, and character development
are the main ingredients in Jujitsu. Anyone, male or female, from
6 to 76 can practice this ultimate form of self defense.

kid's class awaiting further instruction.